


英 [i:b?n] 美 [,a? bi]
n. 伊班人(居住在东南亚加里曼丹);伊班语
adj. 伊班人的
[例句]Using their English as the common language to communicate with the Iban is the teams objective.


踞jù 中文解释 - 英文翻译 踞的中文解释 以下结果由汉典提供词典解释 部首笔画
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1. 蹲,坐:龙蹯虎~(形容地势险要)。~坐。箕~(古人席地而坐把两腿像八字形分开)。
2. 占据:~守。盘~(亦作“盘据”)。雄~一方。

live with,live in和live on的区别?

一、live with
1. 与…住在一起;与…共同生活:
The child lives with his uncle.孩子和舅舅住在一起。
Do you live with your family你和你的家人住在一起吗?
2. 与…同居;与…姘居:I hear that he is living with his girl friend.我听说他在和女友同居。
3. [口语]容忍:忍受(不愉快的事);承认;接受;学会适应(常与have to,must连用):We have to live with the fact that this experiment is a complete failure.我们得承认这次实验彻底失败。
二、 live in
1. 住在学习(或工作)的地方;住校;(佣工)住在雇主家里;(店员)住在店里:
He hopes to live in although his home is not far from the college.尽管他家离学校不远,他仍希望住校。These workers decided to live in.这些工人决定寄宿。
2. 住在里面:This room doesnt seem to be lived in.这个房间似乎没人住在里面。
三、live on
1. 居住于…上:He lives on a lonely island.他住在一座孤岛上。
2. 继续活着;继续存在:His father-in-law lives on despite the car accident.尽管出了车祸,他的岳父仍然活下来。
3. 靠…生活,以…维持生命[亦作live upon]:He still lived on his parents after graduation.毕业之后他仍然靠父母生活。
4. 以…为主食;以…为规定的饮食[亦作live upon]:A panda lives on bamboo leaves.熊猫以吃竹叶为生。